Internship Myths
Keys to a Successful Internship
Register for Credit
Internships for F-1 International Students
Internship + Career Fair
Competitive Internship Programs
On-campus Interviews
MICA Internship Blog
Alumni, Faculty and Industry Professionals
Professional Associations
Informational Interviews
Online Social Networking
How to Write a Cold Email
Thank Yous
Stay Organized
Professional Package
MICA Internship Fellowship
Need more help?
Internships provide students the valuable opportunity to gain professional experiences and build contacts within industries of interest before leaving MICA. Internships also help you identify your professional goals while making you a more competitive candidate for future opportunities.
Career Development is here to help you navigate every step of your internship search. This guide will help you get started. |
Internship Myths
False: We have an approved list of internships
There are more opportunities out there than we can list in one place. You can intern with just about any company, organization, or individual who can fulfill our requirements. |
False: You need experience to get an internship
Internships are often a student’s first job. You are not expected to have much professional experience, that’s why you are seeking out an internship! |
False: We will place you
Career Development does not place students into any positions. We are here to help you along the way and provide resources to aid you in your search. |
False: You have to start at the beginning of the semester
Many students find their internships mid-semester. If you are seeking school credit follow our internship registration process to be approved before you begin working. |
False: Most internships are posted online
Many internships are not found online, especially those with individual artists or small organizations. MICA students often arrange internships to fit their specific career goals with hosts who have not established a formal internship program. |
False: You have to receive school credit
School credit is not a requirement for internships, unless you are an F-1 international student interning in the U.S. Film & Video, Photography, and Curatorial Studies' degree plans require an internship. |
Unpaid experiences can be just as valuable as paid ones. Many internships with nonprofits are not paid given the nature of their work, but will provide professional contacts and experience you would not get in the classroom. Unpaid internships are a great way to build experience and give you an advantage when applying for more competitive, paid experiences.
Be cautious of unpaid internships at for-profit companies that do not meet MICA's internship requirements. Ensure you are receiving training and learning from the experience, not simply providing a free service to an employer. |
Keys to a Successful Internship
Internship vs. Freelance
Are you supplying a service the internship site cannot provide, or learning from a professional with the proper expertise? Internships should provide you with training from industry professionals. If you are providing work that the site cannot do without you, it is not an internship. |
Many employers contact MICA looking for design interns to create ads and logos for them because they do not employ a designer. If there is no designer to oversee your work, it is not an internship, it's freelance work you should be compensated for. |
The organization should provide you with an on-site workstation and all required tools, equipment, and technology needed to complete your assigned tasks. If a company requires you to use your own equipment or to work remotely, you should think twice about accepting the offer. What’s in it for you? Are you doing work solely for the benefit of the company?
Supervision & Guidance
Your supervisor should be a trained professional capable of completing the work you are asked to do. Their role is to train you and be available to answer your questions for the duration of the internship. Remember, this should be a learning experience. Meaningful Tasks
You should be assigned projects that will teach you new skills and provide a clearer understanding of what it’s like to work in a specific industry. There should be a balance between meaningful learning experiences and menial tasks. Communication Communication is key to a successful internship. Be sure you and your supervisor agree on the expectations of your work and to ask for constructive feedback. Never be afraid to ask questions! |
Whether you complete an internship for school credit or not, it is always a good idea to have something in writing outlining your job description, timeline, and goals. Contracts are a great way to ensure you and your supervisor are in agreement with your role and the work you will complete over the course of the internship. Career Development is happy to provide a sample learning contract if you are not seeking school credit.
Register for Credit
Many students seek school credit for their internships, allowing them to get training outside of the classroom which can be applied toward their degree. Credit is optional for most students, though some majors and companies require school credit for internships. Students can receive credit for an internship after the completion of their foundation year. In addition to working on-site hours, credited internships include coursework where students reflect on their experience.
If seeking school credit, be sure to read through our Internship Eligibility Requirements and to complete the mandatory online Internship Orientation. |
See the Dept. of Labor's Fair Labor Standards Act to learn when you must be compensated for your duties. For additional information, read the definitions of an internship from the National Association of Colleges and Employers |
Internships for F-1 International Students
Review Internships for International Students to learn more about work authorization requirements. Visit the Office of International Education before you begin working to discuss your options.
- Professional goals: Look for the internship that aligns with your own values and interests
- Geography: Do you want to work in a specific city, state, or country?
- Industry: What industries are you interested in?
- Timing: When do you want to intern? Most MICA students complete summer internships when their schedules are more flexible. If interning in fall or spring, are you able to balance your schoolwork and an internship?
MICAnetwork can email you when opportunities you're seeking are posted. First, use the job listing search filters to select the types of jobs you're looking for. Then click on the blue bar at the bottom of the screen that says “Turn on email alerts for this search." Whenever an employer uploads a job based on your filters, you will automatically receive an email about the job. |
MICAnetwork houses our record of all internships completed for school credit. You can access them once logged in by going to the Resource Library and clicking on Internship Histories. |
Internship + Career Fair 2016
MICA’s annual Internship and Career Fair brings 50+ employers to campus every spring. Visit for details on this year's fair as well as employers who have come to fairs in the past looking to recruit MICA students. |
On-Campus InterviewsEvery semester Career Development brings employers to campus to conduct interviews and information sessions. Information is sent out by email and is also available to view on MICAnetwork. Info sessions are open to students from all years and majors. Portfolio and website reviews by application only. For details and deadlines, visit / OCI and Job Listings / Search employer name for application details. See our On Campus Interview handout for more information: how_to_apply_for_an_on_campus_interview.pdf |
MICA Internship Blog
Alumni, Faculty and Industry Professionals
Tell everyone you know what you’re looking for. Approach alumni, faculty and other industry professionals for advice. MICA alumni are always willing to help out fellow students. Focus on building contacts around your professional interests. Attend art openings, visiting artists’ lectures, shows, or mix and mingles to stay updated on current events in your industry.
Always have business or artist cards on hand. You never know who you will run into. Be sure to get a business card in return from those you talk to. |
Professional Associations
Fine Art Reviews 2016
Informational InterviewsInformational interviews are a great way to learn more about specific fields and insider tips. There are many professionals who were once in your position and in need of guidance. This is a great chance to have an open discussion and learn everything you want to know first-hand. Follow our Informational Interviewing guide and the So You Say You Want to Interview People How to Guide to learn how to arrange a meeting. |
Online Social Networking
MICA Alumni
Career Development
MICA Alumni Facebook Group

How to Use LinkedIn
Building a LinkedIn Portfolio
How to Write a Cold EmailWhat do you do when the place you want to intern doesn't list any information on their website? Send them a professional email asking if they are open to hosting an intern. You want to first introduce yourself (name, year, major), why you are interested in applying, a brief synopsis of your skills, and a link to you website or reel. Most employers will not open an attached document from someone they do not know, as they might think it's spam or a virus. So make sure your portfolio website is up to date. Follow our Sending Professional Emails guide for assistance. |
Sonya Norko '17 Film & Video |
See our Netiquette handout for more information. |
Thank Yous
Never underestimate the importance of a thank you. Always follow up with people you meet, whether through art openings, conferences, informational interviews, or formal interviews. Sending a thank you note or follow up email to show your appreciation of their time can go a long way.
Once you have made contact, be sure to follow up. It shows sincere interest and initiative. |
Professional Package
The resume is the first impression an employer has of you. See our guides on Building a Resume and InDesign Your Resume for tips about drafting this important document. |
The cover letter works together with your resume to introduce ‘you’ to potential employers. Check out our Cover Letter Guide for more details. |
For your website, you can showcase your work through MICA's Behance page, or a variety of other platforms. See our Website Website for help on assembling your online portfolio. |
Practicing is the best way to prepare for an upcoming interview. Career Development offers Mock Interview prep each semester or by appointment. We will give you a list of sample questions and tips for giving outstanding answers.
- Check other college's website for off-campus housing lists
- Craigslist and other housing search engines by city
- Interning in New York City? See our NYC Summer Housing Handout.
- MICA Internship Fellowship
- Internship Fellowship: Creative Entrepreneurship
- GO-A Opportunity Award (for fine art juniors)
The fellowships help students cover living expenses and transportation costs during the internship experience. Students must secure an internship in order to be eligible to apply. Applications are due in late April. Details can be found online at
Need more help?
Peer Career Advisors have weekly availability in the fall and spring. These student leaders come from a variety of backgrounds, majors, and experiences and can help you explore your options, point you to resources, and review materials.
Focus in on more specifics with a Career Counselor once you begin narrowing down where you'd like to intern. Jackie Milad meets with fine art students, while Marsha meets with those in design and media programs. Both counselors have extensive knowledge of the many career paths of MICA graduates and can point you to resources for specific industries. Expect to schedule your appointment 2-3 weeks in advance during the school year.
Have a quick question? Stop in during Drop Ins to ask time-sensitive questions, or to have materials reviewed quickly. No appointment required for these 15 minute meetings.
Each semester we offer workshops for various professional development-related topics, including internships.
[email protected] / 410-225-2420